After many great years creating under the name Roschman Dance- I have decided to begin working under a new artistic umbrella: Niko8.
The name shift aligns with a changing scope and focus of the type of work I hope to both create and commission in the future. Thank you for following Roschman Dance all these wonderful years and I hope you will continue to follow us as we grow into a new organization. We are thrilled to continue dancing- Sean
Upcoming Events
Roschman Dance is thrilled to present it's first new work in two years :
We Ain't Got Far To Roam
Using entirely Irish Punk music from the 1980's, Roschman dives into a world of poverty, turmoil, violence and loyalty set in the turbulent decade in Ireland.
Roschman Dance is also thrilled to produce fellow Company Member Laura Henry's Impact Movement Collective as they premier their new work: 20, Delta, Hex.
Friday, October 19th -8PM
Saturday, October 20th - 8PM
Manhattan Movement and Arts Center
248 West 60th Street (between Amsterdam & West End Avenues)
New York, NY 10023
Buy Tickets
Friday, October 19th -8PM
Saturday, October 20th - 8PM