After many great years creating under the name Roschman Dance- I have decided to begin working under a new artistic umbrella: Niko8.
The name shift aligns with a changing scope and focus of the type of work I hope to both create and commission in the future. Thank you for following Roschman Dance all these wonderful years and I hope you will continue to follow us as we grow into a new organization. We are thrilled to continue dancing- Sean

Lord of the Fly Girls
(2012) Premiered at West Side Dance Project, NYC
Choreography:Sean Roschman
Music: Phutureprimative, Bach,
Gustavo Sanaolalla,Sinjin Hawke,
The Bulgarian State Radio Female Choir, Pan American, Eric Sneo
Costume Design: Dannie Flanagan
Dancers: 6
50 Minutes
Performance History:
July 2012- Downtown Dance Festival
February 2012-Premiere at West Side Dance Project