After many great years creating under the name Roschman Dance- I have decided to begin working under a new artistic umbrella: Niko8.
The name shift aligns with a changing scope and focus of the type of work I hope to both create and commission in the future. Thank you for following Roschman Dance all these wonderful years and I hope you will continue to follow us as we grow into a new organization. We are thrilled to continue dancing- Sean

Cirque Du Soleil/Onedrop.org

In 2009, Roschman Dance was selected to choreograph the New York City portion of the groundbreaking artistic happening "Moving Stars For Earth And Water". What transpired was a 175 person dance event in the middle of Times Square Moving Stars and Earth for Water was an artistic happening broadcast online, organized on the occasion of the Poetic Social Mission seeking to raise everyone's awareness of water-related issues.
The Mission is carried out from space by Guy Laliberté, Founder of Cirque du Soleil and President of the ONE DROP Foundation. This artistic event took place through 14 cities around the world and brings together personalities such as Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, Dr. David Suzuki, Peter Gabriel, Salma Hayek, Shakira, U2 and many others who join voices with Guy Laliberté to celebrate water.