After many great years creating under the name Roschman Dance- I have decided to begin working under a new artistic umbrella: Niko8.
The name shift aligns with a changing scope and focus of the type of work I hope to both create and commission in the future. Thank you for following Roschman Dance all these wonderful years and I hope you will continue to follow us as we grow into a new organization. We are thrilled to continue dancing- Sean

"overwhelmed the stage with its precision and graceful, yet large movement. Roschman knows how to highlight the best features of his dancers--the men glided across the stage as effortlessly as the women. Particularly pleasing was the dynamic use of formations, perhaps depicting the space people claim and occupy as their own."- Jenny Fried BroadwayWorldDance
" great attention to detail and a high level of competency in their craft"-Cecly Placenti Critical Dance
Cirque Du Soleil/OneDrop.org Feature