After many great years creating under the name Roschman Dance- I have decided to begin working under a new artistic umbrella: Niko8.
The name shift aligns with a changing scope and focus of the type of work I hope to both create and commission in the future. Thank you for following Roschman Dance all these wonderful years and I hope you will continue to follow us as we grow into a new organization. We are thrilled to continue dancing- Sean

Sean Roschman began his dance training in Chicago, and went on to earn a BFA from New York University. He founded is company Roschman Dance in 2008 and since has presented three original evening length works. His company has been commissioned by Cirque Du Soleil "onedrop.org", Lady Gaga's ARTRave New York City Fashion Week, The Maritime Museum of Norwalk, HEREArts, New York University, The New York Conservatory of the Dramatic Arts, and Stuyvesent Town/Peter Cooper Village's 'Summer On The Oval" Festival. Roschman Dance has had the pleasure of performing at 2012 Downtown Dance Festival, The Elan Awards, WaxWorks, The Rover Soho, PS122 many others.
Recently he choreographed the Off Broadway shows, "God Hates This Show", "Little House On The Ferry and “Southern Baptist Sisses”, and contributed choreography to the internationally touring burlesque shows "The Pretty Things Peepshow" and “The House of Burlesque”. Recently he co-created and choreographed "Daughter Of The Waves"; a new circus themed play with music which had its premiere at Theater For The New City in August of 2014 and was selected for 2015 New York Musical Theater Festival.
He is currently a Flying Choreographer for ZFX Flying Inc.